Saturday, August 11, 2012

Welcome, Paul Ryan

            I feel sorry for Paul Ryan. From now until November this man, his wife, and his kids will be under an unforgiving microscope of biased media coverage. Perhaps even worse, the political left will be using a fire hose connected to a septic tank and daily or even hourly spraying bitter hatred and vile accusations against this man and his family. It won’t be because he
-       Voted yes to make it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime
-       Is rated 93% by the US COC, indicating a pro-business voting record.
-       Voted for free trade for Peru, Chile, Singapore, and Australia.
-       Has a multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine.

It won’t be for these reasons. It will be because he’s running opposite Joe Biden—who’s certified liberal enough to get a free pass. Ryan will come under fire for what his wife wears, where his kids go to school, and so on simply because he’s more right-of-center than a socialist liberal. It’s been well under 10 hours since the announcement, and already the memes of Ryan and Romney laughing have been captioned with “pissing on the homeless guy” jokes and so on. It’s almost 100% certain that neither Romney nor Ryan has ever urinated on a homeless person—but that doesn’t seem to matter. He’s against Obama, therefore he’s public enemy number one. The economy circling the drain and Obama’s abysmal record will not be the narrative. Mitt Romney will be murderer and Paul Ryan will want to burn gays at the stake, and “piss on homeless people” and so on. Even though the election will eventually turn to the issues, there will always be a part of it that attempts to destroy the man and his family for who they are. Mr. Ryan, I hope you’re ready for this. It’s going to get ugly before it gets better.

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